Overland Park KS
Welcome to Nigus Chiropractic & Acupuncture, located in Overland Park, KS. We pride ourselves on helping people discover and heal the root cause of their pain, so they can live the best life they can. Our Overland Park KS chiropractor uses modern techniques and protocols to give you effective results.
Achieving good health in Overland Park KS is not a one-step or single-action process. Many components go into creating overall health and wellness; physical, mental, and emotional.
If you would like to schedule a complimentary consultation and talk to Dr. Nigus, call us at (913) 953-5959 or contact us through the website. After talking with Dr. Nigus, you and he will decide what steps to take to get you feeling your best.
Nigus Chiropractic & Acupuncture
Dr. Nigus is a native of the Overland Park KS area, growing up in Stilwell, KS, and opening his practice in January 2013. Overland Park KS and its surrounding communities are full of wonderful people, and Dr. Nigus knew this was where he wanted to serve and practice.

Since opening, Dr. Nigus has established relationships with local medical offices and provides community education to local businesses. As an Overland Park KS chiropractor, Dr. Nigus wanted to also support the local schools. He regularly visits schools in the Shawnee Mission School District to serve teachers and support staff.
If you would like to schedule a complimentary consultation and talk to Dr. Nigus, call us at (913) 953-5959 or contact us through the website. After talking with Dr. Nigus, you and he will decide what steps to take to get you feeling your best.